Welcome to my blog!! Sharing my life with you. Thanks for stopping by my blog. Please check out my youtube channel: roannavm
Friday, July 24, 2009
The UDPP shock!!!!
A while back i realise my udpp wand was not producing that much product. I saw quite a few youtube gurus show how they cut open their updd packaging and got product out... so instead of me throwing it out and getting a new one I decided to cut open my udpp and see what was inside..here was my findings...
I was in shock i could not believe how much product was in my udpp ... it looked like i bearly used it.. and this was after about 5 months of use.. I was in utter shock... so I depotted my product and put it in a 10g jar
I use my udpp every time i apply eyeshadow [which is like about 5 times a week] and then i put on a base... right now I still think i have like another year to go with this product... i totally suggest that you cut open your udpp... u may be very surprised that your product may last you for 2 years :)
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Coupon codes for Suds n Sass
I thought i'll post these here for those of you who haven't seen these yet on youtube.
use: tknokitten15 for $15 off your purchase of $50; twixbetwixt for 20% off your purchase [have used this before it works] and natneagle for 15% off your purchase [have used this also]
If I find out more I will post them here for you..
I will definitely recommend that you go over to www.suds-n-sass.com and purchase something yummy from Elizabeth's site... Let me know what you get :)
use: tknokitten15 for $15 off your purchase of $50; twixbetwixt for 20% off your purchase [have used this before it works] and natneagle for 15% off your purchase [have used this also]
If I find out more I will post them here for you..
I will definitely recommend that you go over to www.suds-n-sass.com and purchase something yummy from Elizabeth's site... Let me know what you get :)
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Review: Suds-n-Sass Strawberry Taffy soap
So I've finished my Strawberry Taffy heart soap... it was made with shea butter and strawberry seeds as its additive. OMG i was in loveeeeeeeeeeeeeee I found myself lingering in my bathroom after my shower... I did not want to come out in the first place. It had a kola like scent not so much [in my opinion] a strawberry scent and my hubby was the one who said it smelt like the kola [so thats where i got that idea from].. i loved the strawberry seeds also... i gave my sister another soap that had the strawberry seeds in it and she said it was really nice....
This soap gave me like 5 washes.. and i mean i really used it. It lathered really well and when I rinsed, I noticed that my skin did not feel really dry and itchy... will definitely get this again...
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
EOTD: Tknokitten's Professional Look Makeup Tutorial
So Tony aka Tknokitten [ http://twitter.com/tknokitten ; http://www.youtube.com/user/tknokitten ] did a makeup tutorial http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TTYZd9qk6l8 and posted it yesterday [monday july 20, 2009] on youtube... i thought it looked really simple, easy and something i could do on a daily basis. what i liked the best is that the look is very versatile.. definitely going to try other variations with it.. like how dark i will make the crease or what shade of beige or brown shadow i will use on my lid... Unlike Tknokitten, i did not use mac i used nyx for this look... will post what was used tomm [hopefully :)]
tknokitten, :)thanks again for sharing this look with us..... this is my twist.. [plz excuse the eyebrows.. growing them out to shape again.. ..]
tknokitten, :)thanks again for sharing this look with us..... this is my twist.. [plz excuse the eyebrows.. growing them out to shape again.. ..]
Swatches of Ebay pigments
I know i've taken forever to show you swatches of the pigments i got off of Ebay.... honestly, I think it was more of me being lazy to do it than forgetting... I primed my hand with Urban Decay Primer Potion [udpp] and also Laura Geller's eye spackle. I put the two primers on the end of the swatch and in the center of the swatch is the color of the pigments on my bare skin.... what I did notice is that I have a VERY hard time in getting the pigments to stick to my bare skin.... the pigments are really pigmented I am very pleased with the pigments. My favorite among the batch is still the aqua [blue]...
Friday, July 17, 2009
Ebay Haul
EOTD: Thursday July 14, 2009
This was the look i wore on thursday, i felt rather pinky :) so my eyes reflected my mood...
excuse the messy eyebrows growing them out to shape again.. [got messed up last month
I used:
- Mac Blurburry shadestick
- random gold eyeshadow in the corner of my eye
- carmine red mica [from Coastal Scents - CS] on most of the lid
- CS Auburn Dust in crease
- and UD scratch as highlighter
- CS grape gel liner on lid
- Avon purple luxury liner on waterline
- Maybelline collosal mascara in black
I dont usually use these colors so I'm going to be trying quite a few pink, purples and orange [sunset like] looks in the near future... have a small haul coming up soon... bye...
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Review: Lush's Big shampoo

I got this in a small jar with the hair kit. This is what the Lush US site has about BIG
"Lemon-lime margarita shampoo adds shine and body to fine hairThe difference between a hefty, healthy hairdo and a lot of limp, lackluster locks? It's this saucy, sassy, salty shampoo! BIG combines shine-enhancing citrus juices with the beautifying, hair-buffing impact of sea salt and genuine sea water for a body-building regimen your fine hair won't sweat over. Good things can come in small packages, but for body-boosting boom you can't beat BIG! ""
So i've tried this about three times... to be honest i love love it...it really helps with volume.. its not that dramatic but I have long straight hair and it really lacked body... i didn't realise it worked until i took a picture out and someone commented that my hair looked really nice and it looked like it had volume.. i had not put anything in it for volume except washing it with BIG.
After i got the compliment i decided to do a little research on the idea of sea salt, since I was told this is what give volume to hair in the BIG. Boy was i surprised when i realise ppl were bottling sea salt and making spritzers and jars full of sea salt scalp scrub or gel.
I decided to get my hand on some sea salt and maybe try this with my regular shampoo. I will add the sea salt to my regular shampoo and see if I will get volume to my hair. Other ingredients that are found in BIG that I could get my hands on are: organic lemon and lime juice, abd extra virgin coconut oil. So, I will add these to my regular shampoo and see if it'll work. I'll get back to you guys on this in about a week or two. If anyone has any suggestions please let me know... but definitely love the BIG, if my experiment does not work, I will surely go back to Lush and get myself a tub of BIG.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
120 Eyeshadow palettes from Ebay
Hey everyone... hope your day is going great. I ordered three 120 palettes from ebay in early May 2009. I only received them last friday which was July 10, 2009. I took forever to post them here because I was sooooooooooooooooo annoyed. other than the palettes taking 2 months to get to me this was the condition in which i received them. In one of the palettes the hinge at the back was broken and the sides had broken off..

(if you would like to see larger pics i can make them larger didn't want to make this post pic heavy..
One has like 30 shadows that were shattered, another had about 15 eyeshadows that were shattered and another had like 10. In the listing it was stated that I would receive an eyeshadow brush with each and I only got one eyeshadow brush. I placed these orders in about a two week period yet the person shipped them all out together.. this is how the person packaged the palettes
Monday, July 13, 2009
Mac Haul
Last sunday i went to a CCO and got the Trip fleshtone lips and the trip earthy fluidline liners. Thought it was an awesome deal... here are pics of what i got... in the lip bag lipsticks in "O" [frost] and Jubilee [lustre] and flash of flesh lipglass [got a 316 lip brush]
In the eye bag i got fluid lines in dip down and sweet sage with a 209 brush.

In the eye bag i got fluid lines in dip down and sweet sage with a 209 brush.
Lush UK Haul
So let me post a pic of my Lush UK haul .. a few items are missing, I think its my two massages bars alone [they are in my refrigerator, its way too hot to have them out now...]

Again I got soaps, so I wont need to be getting any more soaps for the rest of the year :)
i got:
I remember watching a video last week where a youtube makeup guru, who uses Lush, asked what was in everyone's refrigerator.. she was asking because she said most of the items in her refrigerator were from Lush, I thought that was rather funny... anyways Let me know what your fav is from Lush...
Oh, I have an EDM [Everday Minerals] haul to also share with you... yayyyyy love their stuff..
Again I got soaps, so I wont need to be getting any more soaps for the rest of the year :)
i got:
- figs and leaves
- pineapple grunt **
- porridge soap [i absolutely love]
- sultana of soap
- sand stone **
- the godmother **
- honey i wash the kids
- rock star **
- mud flat **
- and the comforter bar **
I remember watching a video last week where a youtube makeup guru, who uses Lush, asked what was in everyone's refrigerator.. she was asking because she said most of the items in her refrigerator were from Lush, I thought that was rather funny... anyways Let me know what your fav is from Lush...
Oh, I have an EDM [Everday Minerals] haul to also share with you... yayyyyy love their stuff..
Lush Store Haul
Hey all,
I hope everyone is doing great.. I had this haul to do since last weekend but last week was really crazy.. I went to Lush simply to just get a piece of Ice Blue for hubby and a face mask instead i ended up with all these.. its not a lot but i should have refrained :)
I hope everyone is doing great.. I had this haul to do since last weekend but last week was really crazy.. I went to Lush simply to just get a piece of Ice Blue for hubby and a face mask instead i ended up with all these.. its not a lot but i should have refrained :)
I got the 7 or 9 piece head kit cant' remember lol.... but i got cupcake face mask, a piece of ice blue and a sample of demon in the dark [wanted to try this out also]. In the kit i got trichomania solid shampoo, Big hair gel, the big tease shampoo, i can't remember the name of the shampoo bar but i got the one that smells really aweful ;} and i have two samples in the refrigerator that I can't remember now. I will definitely try out the mask today and do a review on it by weekend. I also have a Lush UK haul to show you also... until then.. hope you are enjoying your day...
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Enjoying my Sud n Sass Soaps
I am enjoying my soaps.. but the only thing is that they are finishing too quickly :( my Black Cherry heart soap is finished--I got like 5 uses out of it.. I bought this scent in a bar soap too so i'm glad i have more of this scent.. my hubby loves it too ;) I'm going to finish the caramel bundt one and then go to my bars which i bearly have pieces of since I shared it with friends... these are way better than Lush's.. i keep telling myself I need to stay out of the Lush store :) I wish Elizabeth can come up with hair products ... that'll definitely keep me out of Lush... Well I'm off to work now... oh you can check out Suds n Sass because Elizabeth has updated her stock, she has the fizzy bath melts in and a 2 oz star shape soap .. also i she added some eyeshadow collections.. so check her site out at http://suds-n-sass.com/
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Suds n Sass update
So i got another order from Suds n Sass, in this order I got in bars:
Vanilla Cupcake
Kazi Kazi
black cherry
I also got a heart soap in black cherry and a bundt in a caramel kinda scent again the label smudged off.. i got a sample in this..Taihitian vanilla...
I got a combo of types in terms of shea butter or goat's milk, i haven't tried the gylcerine formulation as yet... I have used the heart black cherry and loved it.. i think the heart soap gives like 4 uses similarly with the bundt its about 4-5 uses.. one thing i noticed with these soaps is that i can't get out of the shower :) i just want to stay and keep lathering my skin.. they smell absolutely great.. i am definitely going to order some of their butters... its a great line.. kudos to Elizabeth!! As I use the other soaps I will try to do timely reviews.. definitely love the soaps.. I can't try new ones anytime soon because I have like 7 5.5 bars and a few smaller ones..
I recommend that you keep these soaps in the fridge too.. also each bar can be sliced into 3-4 pieces so I recommend you store each one in a seperate zippy.. If you're interested in ordering you can go to Elizabeth's site at www.suds-n-sass.com
Vanilla Cupcake
Kazi Kazi
black cherry
I also got a heart soap in black cherry and a bundt in a caramel kinda scent again the label smudged off.. i got a sample in this..Taihitian vanilla...
I got a combo of types in terms of shea butter or goat's milk, i haven't tried the gylcerine formulation as yet... I have used the heart black cherry and loved it.. i think the heart soap gives like 4 uses similarly with the bundt its about 4-5 uses.. one thing i noticed with these soaps is that i can't get out of the shower :) i just want to stay and keep lathering my skin.. they smell absolutely great.. i am definitely going to order some of their butters... its a great line.. kudos to Elizabeth!! As I use the other soaps I will try to do timely reviews.. definitely love the soaps.. I can't try new ones anytime soon because I have like 7 5.5 bars and a few smaller ones..
I recommend that you keep these soaps in the fridge too.. also each bar can be sliced into 3-4 pieces so I recommend you store each one in a seperate zippy.. If you're interested in ordering you can go to Elizabeth's site at www.suds-n-sass.com
Lush: Ice Blue soap

This is one of my favorite Lush soap. My DH loves it also, actually everyone i've introduced Lush to love this.. simply because of its clean and fresh scent.. its absolutely refreshing. Its minty in nature but it has a cold and calming effect .. absolutely love it.. oh i ordered a piece from the UK site [have a haul to show you from there] and also I went to a Lush on Sunday and I bought another piece...i gotta stock up cause everyone around me seems to love this one also... definitely one of my favs.
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